Concrete & Masonry

Guidelines & Restrictions

  1. CHASSE Building Team will ensure no construction loads will be placed on a concrete structure or portion of a concrete structure unless the employer determines, based on information received from a person who is qualified in structural design, that the structure or portion of the structure is capable of supporting the loads.

  2. All protruding reinforcing steel, onto and into which employees could fall, will be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement.

  3. No employee (except those essential to the post-tensioning operations) will be permitted to be behind the jack during tensioning operations.

  4. Signs and barriers will be erected to limit employee access to the post-tensioning area during tensioning operations.

  5. CHASSE Building Team prohibits anyone from riding concrete buckets.

  6. No employee will be permitted to work under concrete buckets while buckets are being elevated or lowered into position.

  7. To the extent practical, elevated concrete buckets will be routed so that no employee or the fewest number of employees, are exposed to the hazards associated with falling concrete buckets.

  8. No employee will be permitted to apply a cement, sand, and water mixture through a pneumatic hose unless the employee is wearing protective head and face equipment.

  9. Powered and rotating type concrete troweling machines that are manually guided will be equipped with a control switch that will automatically shut off the power whenever the hands of the operator are removed from the equipment handles.

  10. Concrete buggy handles will not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the buggy.

  11. Bull float handles used where they might contact energized electrical conductors, will be constructed of nonconductive material or insulated with a nonconductive sheath whose electrical and mechanical characteristics provide the equivalent protection of a handle constructed of nonconductive material.

  12. No employee will be permitted to perform maintenance or repair activity on equipment (such as compressors mixers, screens or pumps used for concrete and masonry construction activities) where the inadvertent operation of the equipment could occur and cause injury, unless all potentially hazardous energy sources have been locked out and tagged.

  13. Drawings or plans, including all revisions, for the jack layout, form work (including shoring equipment), working decks, and scaffolds, will be available at the jobsite.

Pre-cast, Tilt-up, & Structural Framing

  1. Precast concrete wall units, structural framing, and tilt-up wall panels will be adequately supported to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse until permanent connections are completed.

  2. Lifting inserts which are embedded or otherwise attached to tilt-up precast concrete members will be capable of supporting at least two times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to them.

  3. Lifting inserts which are embedded or otherwise attached to precast concrete members, other than the tilt-up members, will be capable of supporting at least four times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to them.

  4. Lifting hardware will be capable of supporting at least five times the maximum intended load applied transmitted to the lifting hardware.

  5. No employee will be permitted under precast concrete members being lifted or tilted into position except those employees required for the erection of those members.

  6. Lift-slab operations will be designed and planned by a registered professional engineer who has experience in lift-slab construction. Such plans and designs will be implemented by the employer and will include detailed instructions and sketches indicating the prescribed method of erection. These plans and designs will also include provisions for ensuring lateral stability of the building/structure during construction.

Form Work

  1. Formwork will be designed, fabricated, erected, supported, braced and maintained so that it will be capable of supporting without failure all vertical and lateral loads that may reasonably be anticipated to be applied to the form work.

  2. Forms and shores (except those used for slabs on grade and slip forms) will not be removed until the employer determines that the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads. Such determination will be based on compliance with one of the following:

    • The plans and specifications stipulate conditions for removal of forms and shores, and such conditions have been followed, or

    • The concrete has been properly tested with an appropriate ASTM standard test method designed to indicate the concrete compressive strength, and the test results indicate that the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads.

Limited or Closed Access Zones

A limited access zone will be established whenever a masonry wall is being constructed. The limited access zone will conform to the following:

    1. The limited access zone will be established prior to the start of construction of the wall.

    2. The limited access zone will be equal to the height of the wall to reconstructed plus four feet, and will run the entire length of the wall.

    3. The limited access zone will be established on the side of the wall which will be unscaffolded.

    4. The limited access zone will be restricted to entry by employees actively engaged in constructing the wall. No other employees will be permitted to enter the zone.

    5. The limited access zone will remain in place until the wall is adequately supported to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse unless the height of wall is over eight feet, in which case, the limited access zone will remain in place.

Masonry Walls 8FT & Higher

All masonry walls over eight feet in height will be adequately braced to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse unless the wall is adequately supported so that it will not overturn or collapse. The bracing will remain in place until permanent supporting elements of the structure are in place.