Personal Protective & Life Saving Equipment
Personal Protection Equipment is the last line of defense when it comes to protection. Ideally, elimination or substitution methods are the best possible means of handling hazards and should be the first choice in safety.
Trade Partners are required to provide their own protective equipment, and trades will assure its adequacy, including proper maintenance, and sanitation of such equipment.
ALL of the protective equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE), used to comply with this part, will be provided by CHASSE Building Team at no cost to CHASSE employees and will provided to Trade Partners as a courtesy, while supplies last.
It is the responsibility of Trade Partners and their contracted trades to communicate and follow all Chasse Building Teams PPE requirements.
Trade Partners will provide eye and face protective equipment when machines or operations present potential eye or face injury from physical, chemical, or radiation agents.
Foot Protection
Foot protection is required for all CHASSE Building Team employees, including all Trades present on the jobsite. Foot protection will be durable work boots and/or safety toe boots, if required. They will meet the requirements and specifications in American National Standard for Men’s Safety-Toe Footwear, Z41.1-1967.
CHASSE Building Team employees and Trade Partners working in areas where there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying objects, or from electrical shock and burns, will be protected by protective helmets. Baseball caps or caps with a metal button on the top are not allowed under the hardhat.
Hearing Protection
Wherever it is not feasible to reduce the noise levels or duration of exposures to those specified in Table D-2, Permissible Noise Exposures, in 1926.52, ear protective devices will be provided and used by CHASSE Building Team employees.
Airborne Contaminates
In the control of occupational diseases caused by breathing air contaminated with harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays, or vapors, the primary objective is to prevent atmospheric contamination. This shall be accomplished as far as feasible by accepted engineering control measures:
Enclosure or confinement of the operation
General and local ventilation
Substitution of less toxic materials
When effective engineering controls are not feasible, or while they are being instituted, appropriate respirators will be used pursuant to this section.
Before a respirator is provided on any jobsite to an employee of a Trade Partner or CHASSE Building Team employee, evaluation and review of a Trade's Respiratory Protection Program needs to be conducted. The Respiratory Protection Program will include the requirements outlined in the Respiratory Protection Standard. The program will cover each employee required by this section to use a respirator. Consult your Safety Professional before use of respirators.